A green revolution in maritime is coming to Portsmouth!

SEA CHANGE has the potential to revolutionise the UK’s maritime sector.

The SEA CHANGE project is coming to Portsmouth. IOTICS is delighted to announce our involvement in the Zero Emission Vessels and Infrastructure (ZEVI) project, funded by UK Government and delivered in partnership with Innovate UK. This ground-breaking decarbonisation project alongside Portsmouth International Port Brittany Ferries, the University of Portsmouth, MSE International, B4T, and Swanbarton.

The SEA CHANGE project will design, build and operate a ‘shore power’ system across the three busiest berths at Portsmouth International Port. This will allow visiting ferry or cruise ships to turn off their engines when in the port, as they will be able to ‘plug-in’ and use green electricity to run their onboard systems.

SEA CHANGE has the potential to revolutionise the UK’s maritime sector, and further establishes Portsmouth International Port’s reputation as a living laboratory of green technology with industry-leading sustainability credentials. This project realises the full potential of two new LNG-electric hybrid ships from Brittany Ferries, which will begin sailing from Portsmouth starting in spring 2025 and will be shore-power ready.

This ambitious project reaffirms Portsmouth International Port’s commitment to reduce the impact of operations on neighbouring communities and assist with the wider city’s ambition to reach net carbon neutral by 2030.

Ali Nicholl, Founding Team, IOTICS said:

‘A clean maritime industry requires secure, flexible digital infrastructure. Selective sharing of data across supply chains, spanning multiple sectors, will be the enabling capability. IOTICS is delighted to continue cooperating with the Port and its partners, enabling an interoperable ecosystem for the SEA CHANGE project, which will provide an adaptable, scalable pattern for decarbonisation activity today and into the future.’

Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson, Cabinet Member with responsibility for the port at Portsmouth City Council said:

“Improving air quality is one of the most pressing issues facing Portsmouth today. Across the council we’re undertaking a huge range of projects to combat harmful emissions, which includes already approving a massive upgrade of the electricity supply to the port so this project can happen.

“It’ll also bring new high-skilled jobs and investment to the city, so I’m delighted we can now deliver this for the people of Portsmouth.”

IOTICS is an enabling technology for ecosystems of organisations who understand the value and potential impact of sharing insights and information with each other across boundaries. Our customers and partners are the kinds of organisations who want to embrace agile and innovative data practices to leverage the power of data for the greater good.

Our technology has helped Portsmouth International Port to make substantial strides towards achieving their ambitious decarbonisation and pollution reduction goals. Using IOTICS technology, it is now possible for the Sustainability and Environmental Team at the Port to monitor and manage the environmental impact of the entire port ecosystem.

Learn how IOTICS is enabling the maritime sector to cut carbon emissions at Portsmouth International Port, download the case study here.


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